Ethnicity: Papuans.
Place of origin: Papua New Guinea.
Geographical location of the place of origin: East Sepik, Northwest of the New Guinea Island.
Material: kangaroo fur.
Technique: weaving, knitting.
Dimensions: width 45 cm, height 35 cm.
Date: 2017.
Collectors-person: Miklouho-Maclay Nickolay Nikolaevich.
Time of use: 2017.
Usage: in everyday life for bearing personal things. Men wear over the shoulder, women tend to throw a strap on the forehead.
Condition: good.
Purchased at a market in Madang. In 2017, banned for export and sale in PNG.
The Kunstkamera collections analogue: none.
Keywords: peoples of Australia and Oceania, Papuans, Maclay Coast